Why do so many of us delegate financial responsibilities to others?

Many women are in charge of their financial lives, and proudly so. Some have become their own financial captains as a result of life events; others have always steered their own ships. Even so, there are too many women who are left out of financial decision making – some by their own choice.

That may be a mistake. Allowing a spouse or partner to handle financial affairs may predispose a woman to a lack of money knowledge – an education deficit that may allow a couple to slip toward indebtedness one day, or prove economically crippling in the event of a divorce or death.

Are you one of these women? If so, why do you think you find yourself among them? Learn about Women and Wealth.

Inherited perceptions about wealth can shape your outlook. If your parents saw wealth in terms of material items linked to prestige and present-day satisfaction, this could influence your definition of wealth. Seeing wealth in terms of creature comforts invariably associates wealth with spending, and spending can promote debt.

If your parents were “millionaires next door” and lifelong savers who had a habit of living within their means, your attitude toward money may be wholly different. Their thrift may have resulted in them getting rich slowly – a good and realistic model for growing wealthy. They may not have had the biggest house or the hottest coupe in the driveway, but they may have lived well.

Many of us grow up with little understanding of the way investment markets or retirement plans work. Yet the more financial literacy we possess, the more confidence we have about making financial moves, and the more confident and assertive we can become about money decisions.

Request a Free Copy of “Wealth Matters: A Financial Workbook for Women”

financial advisor workbook womenMany women successfully handle a career, household, and family, but may not be as successful when it comes to their finances. This workbook will provide some tips to managing your finances, guide you through some of the fundamentals of investing, and help you take the appropriate steps toward organizing your finances.

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