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Self Employed Workers Fall Behind in Retirement Planning


Working in the "gig economy" can make it tougher to stay on top of saving for retirement. Four in 10 self-employed workers don't have a retirement account such as an IRA or 401(k) plan, according to a new survey from Small Business Majority, an advocacy group. They polled 500 self-identified contractors, freelancers and temporary employees [...]

Self Employed Workers Fall Behind in Retirement Planning2017-04-14T21:39:48-07:00

Self Employed Retirement Planning – Where the gig economy fails


More than 25 percent of all Americans have no savings to speak of, let alone a retirement nest egg. But for those without an employer plan, like a 401(k), that number is much, much larger. About 70 percent of so-called 1099 workers, including freelancers and contractors, said they have no long-term savings at all, according [...]

Self Employed Retirement Planning – Where the gig economy fails2016-12-14T17:04:57-08:00

Fall Financial Reminders


The year is coming to a close. Have you thought about these financial ideas yet? As every calendar year ends, the window slowly closes on a set of financial opportunities. Here are several you might want to explore before 2015 arrives. Don’t forget that IRA RMD. If you own one or more traditional IRAs, you [...]

Fall Financial Reminders2016-12-14T17:06:09-08:00
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