
Clearing Financial Hurdles on the Road to Retirement


When friends and loved ones finally raise their glasses to bid you a long and healthy retirement, you do not want to be worrying about how your bills will get paid. That is why it is so important to participate in your company's retirement plan now. On the road to retirement, however, other financial challenges [...]

Clearing Financial Hurdles on the Road to Retirement2016-12-14T17:05:31-08:00

Medicare Enrollment Options for 2014-15


A summary of what you need to know. Key Medicare enrollment periods are approaching. This fall and winter, there are three periods in which Medicare beneficiaries can either enroll or disenroll in forms of coverage. * Oct. 15-Dec. 7: Open enrollment period. This is when you can exit Original Medicare (Parts A & B) for [...]

Medicare Enrollment Options for 2014-152016-12-14T17:06:15-08:00

Retirement Planning With Health Care Expenses in Mind


It is only wise to consider what Medicare won’t cover in the future.  As you save for retirement, you also recognize the possibility of having to pay major health care costs in the future. Is there some way to plan for these expenses years in advance? Just how great might those expenses be? There’s no [...]

Retirement Planning With Health Care Expenses in Mind2016-12-14T17:06:26-08:00

How and When to Sign Up for Medicare


Breaking down the enrollment periods and eligibility. Medicare enrollment is automatic for some. For those receiving Social Security benefits, the coverage starts on the first day of the month you turn 65. Your enrollment is also automatic when you are under 65, disabled, and receiving benefits from Social Security for 24 months. The exception to [...]

How and When to Sign Up for Medicare2016-12-14T17:06:28-08:00
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