college savings

Smart Financial Moves in Your 40s and 50s


These crucial years call for action. Today, retirement may seem nearer to you than it once did. The following moves might be worth making—and soon. Catch-up contributions to your retirement accounts. Starting in the year you turn 50, you may make a total of $1,000 in catch-up contributions to your IRAs each year [...]

Smart Financial Moves in Your 40s and 50s2018-03-19T15:55:48-07:00

Beyond Retirement: What About Your Other Financial Goals?


In addition to saving for retirement, there may be several other major financial goals you'll need to juggle in a lifetime. Let's say that at the age of 25 you earned $35,000. If your salary increased at the average historical rate, you'd have earned nearly $2 million in total by the time you were 65.¹ [...]

Beyond Retirement: What About Your Other Financial Goals?2016-12-14T17:05:59-08:00
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