Meeting the Unique Financial Planning Needs of Women.

Is your money really aligned with what’s important in your life?

As a Finafinancial advisor for womenncial Advisor for women, I’m focused on helping all women take charge of their personal or family finances and find the answer to this important question.

And if you’re anything like the women I work with, it’s about much more than money and investments. Yet, I find that money and investments are what many financial advisors are really interested in.

As a financial advisor for women, I work with women of wealth who are suddenly single, want to preserve their financial independence, and life their best life. – Erick Arndt, Financial Advisor.

Financial Advisor For Women

What if you could work towards a level of comfort and confidence around your money that would empower you to live your best life?

  • What does “Your Best Life” look like?
  • How would you spend your time?
  • Who would you spend it with?
  • Is there a life passion that you put on hold years ago?
  • What could hold you back from pursuing what’s most important to you?

Request a Free Copy of “Wealth Matters: A Financial Workbook for Women”financial planning women

Many women successfully handle a career, household, and family, but may not be as successful when it comes to their finances. This workbook will provide some tips to managing your finances, guide you through some of the fundamentals of investing, and help you take the appropriate steps toward organizing your finances.You’ll be able to:

  • Solidify your financial goals.
  • Establish an investment strategy.
  • Develop a budget to help make it all a reality.
  • Gain a better understanding of some investment basics.

Meet Women Building A Plan For Their “Best Life”…

Financial Advisors for Single Women

Lynda: Widowed and taking control of her finances

Lynda lost her husband to cancer a few months back. She was still grieving and hadn’t done anything with their finances in quite some time. Lynda was trying to make sense of it all and was getting the runaround from insurance companies and investment companies when she filed the paperwork. Lots of forms and industry jargon made this a very difficult process. It left her feeling overwhelmed.

After getting to know Lynda I realized that her “financial chaos” was another source of stress in her life. The first thing we did was review all the files using the “Financial Checklist for Widows” (see below) and put together an action plan for Lynda to organized and to feel more in control over her finances. This time, working together, Lynda was no longer “getting the runaround” from companies. We filed claims and kept records and Lynda was paid everything she was due and got caught up on her bills. She now had control over her money. She said she experienced her best night’s sleep in years.

Lynda’s main concernWill I be able to live my desired lifestyle in retirement?

In developing her financial plan we spent the time to understand what Linda wanted out of life. So much had changed so fast, she hadn’t had the time to think it through. Linda loved the Arts and we uncovered her desire to be a professional photographer. She had to put her work in the Arts on hold for years as she cared for her ailing husband. She didn’t want an extravagant lifestyle. She wanted to stay in her home and pursue her photography full time. Until she got the business off the ground she was going to need to draw money from her investments to make ends meet. She wanted a financial plan that supported her new lifestyle. Most of all she was concerned about not having enough to live a comfortable life in retirement.

Today: Lynda runs her growing photography business full time and she’s enjoying her “best life”.

Recently widowed or know someone that is?

widow checklist financial planningIf you are recently widowed or know someone that is request a free copy of “Financial Checklist for Recently Widowed“.

Financial Advisors for Career Women

Gina:Balancing Family and Career

“Sometimes it feels like I’m juggling plates on a unicycle”, Gina explained when we first met. Balancing a challenging career and a family can feel that way. Today’s woman have more to juggle than ever before. Life moves so rapidly that you wonder if you can make it all work. The demands of a successful career and being a caregiver at home can be fulfilling but also very challenging and demanding. After all that you still have to take the time to plan for retirement. Meet Gina: Married, mother of 2, and VP of Sales for a large financial services company.

Like many successful people, Gina realized she didn’t have the proper time to dedicate to her financial planning and managing her investments. The problem was that she found most financial advisors spoke about things that didn’t make sense and many talked down to her because she was a woman. She was seeking a financial advisor that could organize her finances, put a plan in place that matched her lifestyle but flexible enough to change with the growing needs of her family.

Gina’s main concern: Can we keep our current lifestyle and still save enough for a secure and comfortable retirement?

The first step was a “meaningful conversation” about their priorities and goals in life. I spent time getting to know her family and their needs before we decided it was going to be a good fit to work together. We had discussions about what really mattered in her life and the role money played. I asked Gina and her husband what goals they had for their family in the short term and long term.

The next step was reviewing all of their investment accounts, insurance policies, and important documents and putting a financial plan in place that matched their life goals. Now that the financial plan is in place we meet quarterly to discuss results only as they pertain to their defined goals. We make adjustments if goals or their life changes. Because we have a well-defined plan, Gina doesn’t get caught up in the day to day “drama of the stock market”.

Today: Gina received yet another promotion at work and agreed to take it but only if the time away from her family did not change. “I realized after our goal defining sessions that I didn’t want to take away any more time from my family. That’s my priority.”

Most Common Questions from Women Clients

Our financial advisors say the top concerns reported by women clients are:

  • Can I have my desired lifestyle in retirement?
  • Can I guarantee a stream of income for life?
  • How can I invest for retirement on a modest income?

Remember, you’re not alone. If you just need to review your current plan with someone or would like a 2nd opinion on what you’re doing, we encourage you to request a time to meet. We’re happy to do that.

By now you’ve seen that our focus on helping women build a financial plan around their life is unique. If this sounds like an approach you would like to discuss, I invite you to request a time to talk. Let’s start with a meaningful discussion about your life. I look forward to meeting you.

Do you have a written financial plan to pursue your financial goals? Set up a consult to get a financial plan and advice you can understand.

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    1 EBRI’s 2012 Retirement Confidence Survey: Job Insecurity, Debt Weigh on Retirement Confidence, Savings
    2 Harris Interactive Inc., The 2012 Consumer Financial Literacy Survey
    3 Employees of an 8,000-plus employee group who left feedback about the company’s financial wellness program
    4 Principal Retire Secure 2010 Participant Survey
    5 Principal Retire Secure database statistics of 50,000 one-on-one meetings, as of Q4 2009

    Note: Names and photos of women have been changed for privacy reasons. Results and desired lifestyles are not guaranteed.