
About Erick Arndt

Erick Arndt is a Wealth Advisor helping clients build and manage wealth since 2003. He holds the following securities registrations with LPL Financial: Series 7, 65, 6, 63, and 26. Erick’s focus is to help clients create wealth, enjoy it, and preserve it over their lifetime and generations to come.An advocate for small business, he works hands-on with companies to provide high quality retirement plans with fun and engaging education workshops for plan participants. Mr. Arndt earned his Accredited Investment Fiduciary (AIF) designation and also his Professional Plan Consultant (PPC) designation to help employers optimize their company sponsored retirement plans by helping participants pursue their retirement goals as well as keep compliant with government regulations.Erick, an advocate for small business, founded SCV Startup, the technology Startup Community in Southern California with a mission of creating and curating high tech companies and jobs in Santa Clarita.

Higher Learning with a 529 Plan for College


During these uncertain times, 529 plans may make more sense than ever For many people, a 529 savings plan offers an opportunity to achieve an important life goal and improve overall financial health. As college and university administrators determine how higher education will look in the future (classes on campus, remote learning or a [...]

Higher Learning with a 529 Plan for College2021-03-04T14:56:06-08:00

Expect Inflation to be Contained Long Term


It’s tempting to predict runaway 1970s inflation as an April Fools’ Day joke. But at the risk of upsetting our friends in the compliance department, we’ll shoot straight here. With that important disclaimer out of the way, here we provide 10 reasons why we aren’t worried about inflation long term: Technological development. As we learned [...]

Expect Inflation to be Contained Long Term2021-04-01T17:32:48-07:00

What Happens to Your Retirement Plan When You Switch Jobs?


Congratulations on your new job! As you navigate through a new onboarding process, you stop suddenly when you get to the discussion of retirement plans. And then you think: What about my plan at my previous employer? What do I do with the money in that account? Good question. You have four options for [...]

What Happens to Your Retirement Plan When You Switch Jobs?2021-03-31T14:05:43-07:00

Fiber Optics – Fiber For Heart Health


Celebrate American Heart Health Month by embracing more fiber in your diet According to the National Institutes of Health, most people consume less than half of the recommended amounts of fiber, despite the health benefits that come with it. Those who have diets rich in fiber are more likely to manage their weight, and [...]

Fiber Optics – Fiber For Heart Health2021-03-04T14:30:38-08:00

Optimizing Required Minimum Distributions (RMD)


Seventy-two is an important age milestone for those in or near retirement, as it marks the time when required minimum distributions (RMDs) begin to be withdrawn annually from IRAs and employer-sponsored retirement plans (previously, the threshold was 70 ½). The milestone carries with it tax consequences that are not fixed. Rather, there are a [...]

Optimizing Required Minimum Distributions (RMD)2021-03-01T16:08:06-08:00

The Second Year of the Bull Market Begins


The bear market ended one year ago this week, finishing one of the fastest and most vicious bear markets of all-time—one that led to a drawdown of 34%. Things have come full circle now, as stocks have staged a furious rally, with new highs happening across the globe as the economy recovers at a [...]

The Second Year of the Bull Market Begins2021-03-22T12:12:16-07:00

Common Retirement Investment Mistakes


Only one-in-four Americans (27%) feel very confident that they will have enough money to live comfortably when they retire, according to the 2020 Retirement Confidence Survey Summary Report.⁠1 While the number is up slightly from the 2018 survey (23%), it underscores a pervasive sense of uncertainty among those approaching retirement age. While there is [...]

Common Retirement Investment Mistakes2021-02-25T10:34:11-08:00

Begin Investing While You’re Young


There’s a simple word that has profound implications for savings and investing: compounding. Like a snowball that grows as it rolls down a hill, compounding provides the potential for your money to grow, reinvesting your investment earnings. It is a basic model for growth potential, and the more you invest, the greater the opportunities [...]

Begin Investing While You’re Young2021-02-25T08:01:50-08:00

When to Begin Collecting Social Security


Deciding when to retire and begin collecting Social Security is an important life decision. For some, savings losses may dictate that you delay your retirement plans and continue working, which means postponing when you begin collecting Social Security. Current law allows workers to begin collecting Social Security between 62 and 70 years of age. [...]

When to Begin Collecting Social Security2021-02-25T08:05:44-08:00

Avoiding COVID-19 Scams


It seems like when we go through difficult times, it brings out the best in people but it also brings out the worst.  I know firsthand about amazing and heroic and selfless behavior from people in my community and around the country. It's a wonderful thing to see and it makes me have faith [...]

Avoiding COVID-19 Scams2021-02-23T09:26:20-08:00
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