The Problem: Employees Are Falling Behind.


Half of American workers are not ready for retirement, according to the most recent confidence survey published by the Employee Benefit Research Institute.¹ Eighty-one percent of employees say they are a little or a lot behind schedule in planning and saving for wellness

  • ƒƒWorkers say they do not know how to save, and fail to see the importance of putting money in a retirement plan, or if they do, are not really sure how their money is invested.
  • The explosion of online technology has put more information at employees’ fingertips, which has been empowering for some, but debilitating for the majority who have saved less than $25,000 for their retirement.
  • In 2012, 42% percent of adults gave themselves a grade of C, D or F on their knowledge of personal finance, marking a statistically significant change from 2010, when as many as two in three adults rated themselves an A or B.²
  • Delayed action may cost employees and employers, in terms of higher salaries (as companies accommodate an aging work force putting off retirement) and increased healthcare costs.

Our Solution: Worksite Financial Solutions

The Five Modules of Worksite Financial Solutions are:

1. Employee Education Solution

2. Employee Transition Solution

3. Employee Engagement Solution

Up to 33% of new employees leave their 401(k) balances behind. This video describes how the Employee Engagement Solution can help increase plan enrollment, raise average deferral rates and make employees more confident. 

4. Employee Advice Solution

The Employee Advice Solution gives employees a unified strategy based on education and advice, saving them the time, effort and resources needed to tackle it alone. This service takes into account all assets the employee has and provides not only a total portfolio view but advice on how to invest their 401k account within their overall investment portfolio strategy in order to potentially help reduce volatility and closer adherence to their retirement goals.

5. Plan Termination Solution

Plan termination can be stressful for plan sponsors. This video describes how Plan Termination Support can help them address regulatory requirements, fill out the necessary paper work and document the recording process. 


With many American workers confused about how to achieve a secure retirement, a comprehensive Financial Wellness Program can help.

Next Step: Learn more about Worksite Financial Solutions

Request the Worksite Financial Solutions brochure

Employee Benefits Education 401k Santa ClaritaLearn how Financial Wellness and Worksite Financial Solutions can positively impact your company and improve the chances your employees will retire secure and comfortably. Get a complete overview of Worksite Financial Solutions and how we can develop a customized program around your employees’ specific financial concerns and education needs.




In-plan Advice Statistics:
Source 1: The New Rules of Engagement for 401k Success; Charles Schwab (June 2010)
Source 2: Help in Defined Contribution Plans; Financial Engines/ AON Hewitt Study 2006-2010 (Sept. 2011)
Source 3: Help in Defined Contribution Plans, is it working and for whom? Financial Engines (January 2010). Not a Guarantee of Future Results
1 EBRI’s 2012 Retirement Confidence Survey: Job Insecurity, Debt Weigh on Retirement Confidence, Savings
2 Harris Interactive Inc., The 2012 Consumer Financial Literacy Survey
3 Employees of an 8,000-plus employee group who left feedback about the company’s financialwellness program
4 Principal Retire Secure 2010 Participant Survey
5 Principal Retire Secure database statistics of 50,000 one-on-one meetings, as of Q4 2009