social security income

How to Tally Your Social Security Benefits


In an effort to save money, the Social Security Administration (SSA) stopped mailing annual statements nearly a decade ago. The yearly statements were helpful, as they helped workers estimate their Social Security benefits. Despite this lack of formal reporting, the SSA offers an online option, Retirement Calculator, where you can estimate your Social Security benefits. [...]

How to Tally Your Social Security Benefits2021-03-12T10:38:13-08:00

Deciding When to Claim Retirement Benefits: Keys to Optimizing Social Security Income


Many Americans rely on Social Security as a significant source of income in retirement. However, not everyone understands the rules surrounding these benefits. As a result, they may claim their benefits at a time that’s less than ideal for their circumstances, ultimately losing money in the process. There’s no magic age for when you should [...]

Deciding When to Claim Retirement Benefits: Keys to Optimizing Social Security Income2018-12-21T22:45:08-08:00
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