social security benefits

Social Security Tips – Go to the Head of the Class


Master these Social Security lessons to get a more realistic view of your retirement. According to Nationwide’s 8th Annual Social Security Consumer Survey, more than half of Americans express confidence that they know exactly how to optimize their Social Security benefits. However, only 6% actually understand all the factors that determine the maximum benefit [...]

Social Security Tips – Go to the Head of the Class2021-10-05T15:14:10-07:00

How and When to Sign Up for Medicare


Breaking down the enrollment periods and eligibility. Medicare enrollment is automatic for some. For those receiving Social Security benefits, the coverage starts on the first day of the month you turn 65. Your enrollment is also automatic when you are under 65, disabled, and receiving benefits from Social Security for 24 months. The [...]

How and When to Sign Up for Medicare2017-01-09T17:57:08-08:00

A Fix For Confusion Around Social Security Benefits


From On Wall Street Social Security spousal benefits and survivor benefits appear very similar on the surface. Both programs provide benefits to an individual based solely on their spouse’s work history. But scratch a little deeper and one finds a tangle of regulations and features that are just different enough to cause headaches for planners. The [...]

A Fix For Confusion Around Social Security Benefits2016-12-14T17:04:59-08:00

How and When to Sign Up for Medicare


Breaking down the enrollment periods and eligibility. Medicare enrollment is automatic for some. For those receiving Social Security benefits, the coverage starts on the first day of the month you turn 65. Your enrollment is also automatic when you are under 65, disabled, and receiving benefits from Social Security for 24 months. The exception to [...]

How and When to Sign Up for Medicare2016-12-14T17:06:28-08:00

Can You Raise Your Social Security Income (SSI) by Reapplying for Benefits?


Social Security has closed a popular loophole, but all is not lost. The “reset button” has been removed. A few years back, the distinguished economist Laurence Kotlikoff alerted people to a loophole in the Social Security framework: retirees could dramatically increase their Social Security benefits by reapplying for them years after they first applied. It [...]

Can You Raise Your Social Security Income (SSI) by Reapplying for Benefits?2021-01-27T14:50:29-08:00
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