Taxes can be a scary word. 
For many of us, tax is our largest expense. It’s a BIG number. We are taxed on the money we earn AND the money we spend. And the politicians still want us to pay more. Yikes!
“If we’re going to find an area to cut, taxes would be a good place to start.
At one point, I didn’t know how many tax strategies there were (all legal) and available to use. We just don’t know about them. Once I became aware of them, I began to implement them one at a time. And it has paid off for me Big Time.
Many tax preparers simply prepare your tax return to file. That’s what you hired them for. Are they looking for tax deductions and strategies?? That’s why I share my ideas with CPAs and tax preparers.
I’m concerned that many people are paying more in taxes than necessary. But there are strategies available that can help you legally lower your tax burden and make taxes feel less frightening.
Doesn’t it make sense to make all your money work for you?”
Examples of some of the many tax strategies we can discuss:
- A Roth conversion
- A Mega Roth (No, that’s not a character from the Godzilla movie)
- Earning a tax-free return right now
Ready to learn more?
Many people spend 10, 20, and 30 years working and end up with very little savings. Don't be one of them! Avoid these 12 financial mistakes so you can build wealth over your lifetime. Share them with friends, share them with family.
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