income distributions

When It Comes to Retirement, Timing Is Everything


Most everyone dreams of the day they can finally retire and live the life of leisure. Yet recent evidence suggests that most near-retirees and retirees need to do a better job of timing and long-term planning. One study, conducted by the Society of Actuaries, looked at retirement risk factors and concluded that while decisions around [...]

When It Comes to Retirement, Timing Is Everything2016-12-14T17:05:25-08:00

The Phases of Retirement: Updating Your Finances for Your Changing Lifestyle


Although many Americans now plan for a retirement up to 20 years, your retirement may last much longer. Believe it or not, living nearly a century may someday soon be almost commonplace. As a result, rather than thinking of retirement as the final stage of life, a more realistic approach may be to view it [...]

The Phases of Retirement: Updating Your Finances for Your Changing Lifestyle2016-12-14T17:05:25-08:00
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