student loans

4 Sane Ways to Pay Off Student Debt


If you’ve read any of the student-debt success stories circulated in the media lately, you might think the only way to pay down your debt is to give up coffee, your social life and your apartment. “It seems like borrowers are told that they have to live on beans in a shantytown and pay off [...]

4 Sane Ways to Pay Off Student Debt2017-03-21T23:47:48-07:00

How to Build Credit Without Credit Cards


Whenever anyone sets forth on a credit-building journey, they are undoubtedly given the same piece of advice: open a credit card account. This lesson is repeated over and over again because it’s one of the simplest steps an individual can take to begin establishing their credit history. However, there are plenty of people who may [...]

How to Build Credit Without Credit Cards2016-12-14T17:04:58-08:00

Coping With College Loans


Paying them down, managing their financial impact.  Are student loans holding our economy back? Certainly America has recovered from the last recession, but this is an interesting question nonetheless. In a November 2013 address before the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Assistant Director Rohit Chopra expressed that college loan debt [...]

Coping With College Loans2016-12-14T17:06:26-08:00
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