fed funds rate

Next Rate Hike We See May Be 2023


The Federal Reserve (Fed) completed its third scheduled policy meeting of the year Wednesday, June 10, and continued to signal strong support for the economy, committing to keeping rates near zero until it is confident of a recovery and maintaining bond purchases (“quantitative easing”), at least at the current level. “Despite some early signs [...]

Next Rate Hike We See May Be 20232020-06-15T07:48:46-07:00

Why It’s a Mistake to Cash Out of Bonds When Rates Rise


Bond investors are clearly worried about rising rates in today’s environment. Many are protecting themselves by moving to very short-term investments, or even cash. But is their “safe” choice putting them at risk? The View Gets Better Up High We get it. It seems intuitive that if interest rates are rising, bond prices [...]

Why It’s a Mistake to Cash Out of Bonds When Rates Rise2018-06-18T21:31:04-07:00

Take a Keen Interest When Rates Rise


Interest rates affect homeowners and credit card holders. But they also can have an indirect impact on the stock market. Interest rates generally refer to the Federal Reserve’s funds rate — the cost that banks are charged to borrow money from other U.S. banks. The Fed controls interest rates mostly as a way to ensure [...]

Take a Keen Interest When Rates Rise2016-12-14T17:04:53-08:00
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