buy sell agreement

Exit Strategies for Entrepreneurs


Your exit strategy may be one of the most important, yet least thought-out, elements of your business plan. Among the important decisions — what you might want to do after you leave the business, what the ongoing roles of your children or other family members might be, and how the sale proceeds will be deployed. [...]

Exit Strategies for Entrepreneurs2016-12-14T17:05:27-08:00

It’s Time to Review Your Life Insurance


Are you underinsured, or not insured at all? When was the last time you looked at your life insurance coverage? Why not do it now? Life insurance can be a remarkable utility as an estate planning and tax-saving tool. Whether you have no life insurance, or you haven’t reviewed your policy in a while, it [...]

It’s Time to Review Your Life Insurance2016-12-14T17:06:30-08:00

Insurance Strategies to Help You Protect Your Business


As a business owner, you need to ensure that you have adequate insurance coverage to protect family, business partner(s) and key employees, so that no matter what the future holds, the business can continue to provide for those who depend on it. With the right insurance strategies in place, you can guard your business against [...]

Insurance Strategies to Help You Protect Your Business2016-12-14T17:07:02-08:00
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